Life Through Your Eyes

Life Through Your Eyes

I am thrilled to introduce to you 'Life Through Your Eyes,' a print capturing an earlier chapter in the life of Lea, the inspiring Blindfolded horse you’ve come to know through ‘Blind Faith.’

Lea’s story begins, when Lou had an opportunity to choose her choice stallion to breed with her friends gray mare. The foal born of the two would become Lou’s very own first horse. Lou had been working with horses for years and this was one of her great heart’s desires. She was full of hope and anticipation for the lifelong journey that was ahead of them. However, when the day came, this tiny brown new born horse with a white stripe across her face, was not only born with a permanent head tilt, but she was also born blind. It was recommended by many, that Lou should choose euthanasia, and at the very least if she did decide to keep her, that she should never be trained or ridden.

However Lou, saw past her limitations, and something in her heart told her that a different path ahead, and one worth fighting for. She named this tiny foal Lea, and gave her whole heart over into giving her the life she knew she could so clearly see.

The beauty of this story is that Lea’s journey through blind faith is intertwined with Lou’s own walk with God. Through embracing Lea, Lou embarked on a profound path of faith, deepening her own relationship and walk with God. What a reminder of how embracing another’s journey can catalyze our own transformation.

Against all odds, Lou began working with Lea, and in time, she formed a bond of trust and connection so deep that they were able do defy the odds. Not only was Lou able to train Lea, but she was also able ride her beautiful horse through the mountains of Montana. Their bond set forth a path that would change Lou’s life forever. It wasn’t long before Lou was taking in other blind horses and creating a safe haven, that is now what we know as Les Haven Ranch. This journey that Lou embarked what lead the two of us to connect.

You see, my first horse was given to me by a dear friend. Her Rocky Mountain horse Dandy was going blind, and I was on my way to starting my Heart of Eden Ranch, or so I thought. So I took him on and after a year of boarding him, my plans for the Ranch came to a halt, God told me to wait, and I had to move Dandy to a boarding facility in Colorado to get him out of the AZ heat. During the time there, he injured an eye and it had to be removed. His best friend was also moved from his boarding stall and Dandy became depressed, losing weight and becoming more and more shut down.

I knew I had to do something, and I had come across Les Haven Ranch on Instagram. I decided to reach out to her, and she was so gracious and made room for my Dandy. She took him in, and as a thanks, I picked a photo from her page to paint for her. It is the ‘Life Through Your Eyes’ print that I am now writing about. I painted it and sent her a photo of it...and I had no idea, but it happened to be on Lea’s exact birthday. God was surely in this connection and was reminding her that He sees her.

When Lea was born she was not the gray beauty she Is today, she was born vibrant brown adorned with a white stripe across her face. But because she is technically a ‘Gray’, over time, she would turn more and more gray until in her old age she will be nearly completely white as snow. It is a transformation that parallels so much our own path of refinement.

Like Lea, we start life with our flaws, shortcomings and disadvantages, yet through our walk with the Lord we soon begin a journey that teaches us that we too can overcome any obstacle, even those we cannot see. We soon learn that He will lead us and teach us to listen for His voice, and in time we come to understand that His leading is always perfect. And as we walk with Him, our old selves fade away and through God’s grace, we are transformed, to reveal purity and holiness. Our sins are washed white as snow and we are transformed...just as Lea has been.

This artwork to me is not just a reflection on the process of becoming holy before God but a celebration of His relentless pursuit of us. It’s a declaration that transformation is accessible to all, irrespective of our past. In the divine dance of refinement, we are all invited to shed our old selves, allowing His grace to clothe us in newness of life.

I hope this piece, alongside Lea’s story, inspires patience and faith in your own walk. Our sanctification journey is a process not of overnight change, but a gradual transformation where God’s grace refines us as we continue to walk with Him.

Each of us is on a journey, moving from our past selves to become embodiments of His Grace. Like Lea, we may not see the path ahead, but we are guided by a love that sees beyond our imperfections to the beauty within.

‘Life Through Your Eyes’ is a testament to the strength, resilience, and beauty that unfolds when we surrender to God’s loving grace. I pray we remember that under God’s loving gaze, we, too, undergo a transformation, our blemishes and past washed clean, revealing the purity and holiness meant for us.

Share your thoughts and reflections in the comments!

Here's a picture of Lou and Lea! 🤍

To support the amazing work of my friend Lou at Les Haven Ranch and to find out more about how you can help support and rehabilitate blind horses like Lea, please visit their website.

Vanessa Horabuena

P.S"Life Through Your Eyes" is now available in print. Get up to 35% OFF with code LEAShop now and let this artwork be a source of inspiration and spiritual reflection in your life.

The original picture of baby Lea! 🤍


  • Vera Baldree -

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful talent Jesus Christ gave you with others. I have three prints and would have one in everyone’s home. I am blessed.

  • Dawn Ferguson -

    Hi Vanessa, I truly love how God works in you. God blessed you creatively, the way you see God’s plan in everything you do and the story behind your paintings. Love the story of Lea and Lou, so beautiful and the portraits are so tenderhearted and loving. Thank you for bringing so much joy to our lives. For Christmas I basically bought 1-3 of everything you painted (reprints)! I love introducing you to friends and sharing your talents with them. I will keep doing so, I still have a few walls that need filling! God’s blessings, Dawn Ferguson

  • Annette -

    I’m not crying , there’s a log in my eye! I bought Blind Faith and have explained it to a few friends…this explanation makes it even more powerful…I so appreciate your work and the Godly inspiration behind each! Thank you!

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