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Childhood Years
Like many of you reading this, my story is not perfect and is riddled with ups and downs and twists and turns. But through it all, the Lord remained steadfast by my side.Teenage Years & Early Adulthood
At the age of 13 years old I went to a youth camp with my church and gave my life to Him. And He truly turned my life around. It was a moment that would change the course of my world forever. But while I knew I loved the Lord, my heart longed for my family to love Him as well, and for them to love me. But the road ahead was about to get more complicated. My parents soon separated and divorced, depression from the abuse and neglect set in, and at the age of 15 years old I was on my own. I attempted suicide several times because my sadness was so great I didn’t see any hope for my life. Within just 2 short years I moved 15 times, living with family and friends. There was no stability for me, I was on my own and not equipped for it. The road was not easy. But I know looking back that God was always with me.Rock Bottom
And for 8 years I stopped drawing, I stopped writing, and I lived life, apart from the purpose I knew God had once spoken over me. It was like being alive, but not living at the same time. I once tasted of His calling and leading and now I felt so far from what I imagined my life to be like. I was far from where I felt He called me to be. I finally hit a rock bottom, and I decided I needed to get help. I landed in the office of Dr. Allan McCray, a Senior Pastor at my home church Church for the Nation Central campus in Phoenix AZ.The Gift Unlocked
By the second session I remembered something I had heard him teach before… and that is… that our destiny is tied into our passion… he would then follow it up with… ”What where you passionate about as a child?” I remembered this question, and I remembered my love for drawing once again.My First Live Worship Painting
At the time, I was following some very well known speed painters, who did very fast paintings as performance. I wanted to learn to do the same, but when I prayed about it in my heart, I said to the Lord, “Lord, I want to learn to speed paint, but I don’t want to paint and be a distraction from the worship, or a performance. I want my painting to be worship.” At the time, I was struggling, because I was afraid to even lift my arms in worship at church without feeling the insecurities of what others would think of me. But I knew that powerful fearless worship was in my heart.Growing in Freedom Worshiping the Lord
It was nearly 3 years into painting that I finally let go, and became completely free. I was at a women’s conference and worshiped the Lord without reservation. I felt in that moment, that the presence of the Holy Spirit, was more tangible the more that I let go. He was always there, at the end of my full surrender, He was there waiting to be given the space to show up in a new and powerful way. I heard the Lord speak to me in that moment… ”The break through that you just experienced… will help countless others to find the same freedom in worship.”God is the Master Artist
Art is a visual representation of a long journey over the past 10 years, since I first started painting. But the learning and growing in my personal life, is just as drastic. I have healed, I have overcome, I have dug in deep and given the Lord my ‘Yes” and in return He has given me His Faithfulness to see me through and to keep every word He ever spoke. He is my strength, He is my refuge, my best friend and the Light of my Life.The Lord Restores
I hope in some way my story has encouraged you. Your life is a beautiful masterpiece and the gifts inside of you are straight from the hand of God. He loves you, His plans for you are so good. I pray that you are reminded that the Lord is faithful, He keeps His word, and nothing is too difficult for Him. May your life be like a symphony played out before Him, may your walk with Him be more like a dance, and may your heart always be aware of the great love He has for you.