Reflecting on Jesus' Prayer in Gethsemane 🙏🏽

Reflecting on Jesus' Prayer in Gethsemane 🙏🏽

As we enter into Good Friday, I want to set the tone by how Jesus spent His previous night. It was after Passover, and the stage of betrayal had been set.

Jesus knew His time was nearing… His time of Great suffering and anguish. His time where He would lay His life down for His friends, though, even they would abandon Him.

He went to the garden of Gethsemane. What an amazing place to retreat to, a garden, the same place where the sin of man first began.

Jesus hit His knees and He prayed a prayer that would echo through the hearts and souls of every believer until the end of days.

“Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.”

He did, what Adam failed to do, what we all have failed to do…live a sinless life of complete surrender unto the Father. So God sent Him to us to be a perfect, spotless lamb to atone for the sins of us all. And Jesus didn’t skip a beat in His obedience to the Lord.

May these paintings be a reminder to you today, that no matter the circumstances of life, no matter the hardship or loss or struggle, we can lay it all down in Surrender just as Jesus did.

When I pray and I remember Jesus’ prayer, it puts all of my prayers into perspective. There’s my requests, my petition, my will…but then there is the will of the Father.

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  • Cindy Romero -

    Do you have any more pictures of President Trump

  • Sherry Dix -

    You truly have a wonderful gift.
    God Bless you now and forever.

  • Cheri D Aitken -

    God has given you such a gift & I know now that we have to go through pain to understand His mercy & grace. Thank you Vanessa

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