During the storms of life, the most beautiful and powerful worship can come forth. All of the pain that may surround us, can be directed into worship. A worship that brings calm to our hearts while it touches the very heart of God. It strengthens us. It deepens our connection with the Father. From the depths of our pain and loss and struggle…we can authentically, with all that we are, pour out our hearts before a loving God, and find a renewed strength within Him. This relationship fortifies our lives against the fiery arrows of the enemy. It creates in us, a shield around our hearts and invites the Lord’s very hand to be upon us as we press on in this journey of life. No matter what your circumstance is, I pray that this painting encourages you to surrender it all at His feet and in His presence. His love for you is so great and relentless. May your trust be found in Him, for while suffering comes upon even His elect chosen people, this life is fleeting and the promise of eternity is so prevalent. What we suffer here will be rewarded in the life to come. But how we endure it, makes all of the difference. Go to Him, worship Him with all that you are, and allow Him to comfort you even through the storm.
“I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” - Psalm 16:7-8