Everyday, until the very end of days, the iniquities that we brought forth upon ourselves, were gladly taken upon the cross by our Savior. He is the Son of God, He is the Great I AM. The precious and Holy One of Heaven is the One who bore our punishment. With the greatest love, He stepped forth, and with all of the compassion of the Father, He carried our cross unto the hill called Calvary. He was raised up, and our failures, our shortcomings were set upon Him. Oh what a love we have in Him, what a King we have in Him. That though we deserved death, He has fought against hell itself, that we would have eternal life. All the needs of this life are found in the greatest love we have ever seen or known. Wrapped in the heart of our King, cloaked in His love is life itself. I pray that this piece gives you peace in your heart and comfort in your soul, to know that the King of all of Heaven is your best friend in all the earth. And that His love is all you will ever need.
"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." John 15:13