While kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall…we are reminded of The Living Son of God. The Holy One, The Righteous One, The One who was and is, and is to come. As He rose from His baptism, and the Spirit of the Lord descended upon Him like a dove…the clock for this world began to tick. The promise of the Lord entered into a great moment in time. He rose from that water cloaked with His destiny to go forth, and to call people from all nations to His everlasting kingdom. He walked in His destiny on this earth, as a humble King. Having been given an allotted time, to send out His truth, walk in love, empower His disciples, ease the yoke of the weak and weary, and heal the sick and dying. He with His presence separated the wolves from the sheep and showed us the way in which to go. That narrow and beautiful journey of dying to this world. To become reborn in Him. To die to this world and to be filled with the Holy Spirit. To drink of the Living Waters of Truth, a place only accessible by heart and purity. Purity only being possible through cleansing through Him, the only One whose righteousness is worthy to wash us white as snow. This piece is powerful, it’s as if I can hear the very voice of God speaking as He comes up from the water “This is My Son… in whom I’m well pleased.”