Of all the relationships on earth, there is none more intimate than that of a husband and wife. Unlike having children who are bound by blood, a marriage is a choice and a long-suffering that is sealed in an everlasting commitment. Many of us have seen or maybe have experienced divorce, so the thought of a lifelong commitment has been challenged by our own experiences. However, God is not like us in that He would never break a vow. He is perfect, as is His word.
With that being said, let's get back to what He said about us. He called us His bride. There is no greater bond of love than that of our first love. A man would leave all he knows, walk away from his family's inheritance even, to be with the woman he loves. A father figure of mine was a drill sergeant in the Marines and He told me this once…”I could break a man of anything unless that man were in love. There is nothing that could compete with love, so he was a lost cause.” It would always make me laugh. But all these years later it still rings in my head when I think of the love that Jesus displayed for His Bride. He laid down His own life, offering Himself as a sacrifice so He would one day spend eternity with her.
His love knows no bounds. His love saw us through, even unto His own death. He didn’t waver, walk away or fail us. Think of the great love that it takes to do such a thing. Think of what He is saying when He calls us His bride. He is saying we are His heart and His soul. He desires that we would be near to Him, and share in His inheritance in Heaven.
In this piece, I aimed to capture the love of a man for his wife….She is a part of Him, a reason he works so hard, why he walks taller, and the place his mind goes to without needing any reminder. He thinks of her constantly, considers her needs, and casts all others aside. He will lay down his life for her, and take out vengeance on anyone who would hurt her. She becomes his every reason for everything he does. But even with all of my words, and all of my strokes, the truth is… I cannot come close to capturing a love so deep and so great as the love Christ has for His bride.
I leave you with this, you are His love, you are His heartbeat…you are the Bride of Christ.