He withheld nothing to Shepherd us, who He dearly loved. Crossing over, into the thicket of our own doing, He relented not in His pursuit. Undoing the intricate entanglement of our sins, gently, one at a time, He sets us free. Removing our identity from death’s grip, and placing it in Him alone. Underneath the shelter of His grace, He gives us rest undeniable. In His perfect peace our hearts can be at ease. The price has been paid, the sacrifice made, taking up our consequences upon Himself. He overcame them all, He overcame deaths grip, eternally rescuing our very souls, and trading our place of suffering, for His place of righteousness. The thorns that wrapped around us, He removed, though they pierced His brow. His compassion for us wavered not. Steadfast and true, His heart was set on us. The love that drove Him, was the deepest kind of love, the passion, the deepest kind of passion. Because of Him, we can rest in His shelter, in the comfort of the Almighty One of Heaven. Our King, and our Good Shepherd.