King of Glory - 16”x20” Original Acrylic Painting Sale

  • Regular price $2,000.00
  • 1 available
Prophetic Meaning

He wore a crown upon His head, and they thought He was surely conquered and put to shame.
But they could not see with their spiritual eyes. They were blinded. For it was His humility, His meekness, His goodness and His obedience that qualified Him for that cross.
This was no ordinary execution. Many had died this death. But this was an execution of the Fathers will. This was an execution of the sin of a fallen world.
Upon His shoulders, rested the fate of humanity. And He did not waver. In that moment, His crown, while made of thorns, qualified our Savior for the crown of Heaven which He was born for. The glory of His Kingdom, and the inheritance of His Father, became His.
This painting speaks of the Glory of the Holy One of Heaven. The precious and beautiful Son of God, and the Son of man. He accomplished what He set out to do. I pray you remember to keep your eyes on the prize in Heaven. He has promised that His inheritance is our inheritance. How amazing is our Saviors love for us. He came before, and He will return for His bride. That is you, and that is me. May we be ready, having lived lives pleasing to Him. Having worked out His Holiness in our lives. May this piece help to keep your eyes on Jesus, and on the things this world cannot offer.

“For he raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus.” - Ephesians 2:6
Original Details

16”x20” Acrylic on Canvas Board

The art of Vanessa Horabuena has a consistent rise in value, averaging between 10%-30% each year.

Each original painting is accompanied by a signed certificate of authenticity.

Please be advised that each authenticity card is personally signed by the artist and made to order from the warehouse. As Vanessa is often traveling and not working from the warehouse, this results in a delay in process and may be sent out separate from the original painting.

King of Glory - 16”x20” Original Acrylic Painting - Acrylic on Canvas Panel / 16”x20”

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