Each new morning I am met with your Presence. It never fails me, even if I were to fail to seek you, still your Presence is there to be found. From the moment I rise, to meet you face to face, there are you are. Your beauty and love, restore my soul and revive a hope in me that can only be found in you. My heart comes alive, as I hear a simple word from you, and I suddenly know which is the right path for me to take. Your light steadily guides me, and the warmth of your love wraps itself around me. I am safe in you, yes, I am found in you. My life is drawn out and extended before you, meaning beats within my heart when you are near. No fear can speak to me, nor, no chaos can turn me away from your peace, for you hold my gaze as only a lover can. My full heart and attention are yours, as I am drawn to you, my first Love. It is in you I am found, each morning I am made new in you. I will always meet you here, drawing you in, In the Light of Your Presence.
I pray this piece reminds you, that each morning is an opportunity to draw near to the Lord your God...and to be transformed by His incredible and faithful love. It is like the rays of the sun that penetrates deep into our hearts, giving us the nourishment of true life that we were created for. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope my artwork and writings continue to inspire you into a closer walk with the Lord each day. May God bless and Keep you always...
- Vanessa Horabuena
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. - Lamentations 3:22-23 NIV