I seek you day and night...and I find you. You are never far form me! Your heartbeat is always accessible to me. Unrelenting is your love, unstoppable is your compassion. Your gaze is all I need in the midst of any storm; you are there. Greater than the winds, greater than the sounds, greater than the waters all around me. Your love sustains me. Your heart, Oh Father, comforts me. I am not far from you; I am embellished within your embrace. When my strength fails me, Oh Father, I know where to go, for you were always there, waiting, reaching out to me, that I might take my eyes of f of the chaos that ensues and take your hand upon my life and rest in your peace, Oh God. My strength comes from you... and how far can i go without you? No, I shall not be sustained apart from you, for your waters are life to me. You fill my heart to the brim and cause overflowing from the abundance of your love. Your goodness overwhelms me at every turn. I lift my eyes to you, Oh God; you are the maker of my soul, and to you I give all of me. Every bit of who I am is totally and utterly yours. I am enthralled by your beauty, and your grace takes my breath away. Your love is something that cannot be described with human words but can only be experienced in your all-consuming presence. May my life's song be of my love for you, my God. For you, my King, are all I want in this life. Your heart is the goal of my life. I love you, Lord, and to you I submit myself. To your will, I commit my spirit; All of my days shall speak of your great name. YHWH.