Created during live at Vanessa’s Christmas Worship Service at her gallery in Tempe, Arizona, on December 2, 2023.
Jesus had the most humble entrance into this world that could be imagined. But He wasn’t lacking. While the luxuries of life were not afforded to Him…God knew what He was doing, and He gave Jesus parents who did not lack in obedience. Because of their faithfulness and ability to be led by the Lord’s leading, Jesus did not lack in His life. He was safe, protected, loved, sheltered, and given everything He would need to be set up for His life and ministry.
Perhaps we can take something from this lesson. The greatest gifts we can give to our children are not the things of luxury, but rather the model of trusting and relying on the Lord. The modeling of character, faith & integrity. As we give from this place, we can model the care that God prioritized for His own Son. Not of worldly value, but of a family core that trusted in the Lord.