Presence is something we have taken for granted, and for generations have tossed the gift of our presence to the wind as we dive into the distractions of this day in age. Children consumed by their devices, peers choosing to scroll instead of converse, we have become a docile and dumbed down people in exchange for entertainment. We have lost the engagement that makes us the salt of the earth. Presence is the essence of who we are...and of who God is.
When we seek His presence we seek to encounter His full attention, and His full heart. This is what changes us, when we experience His spirit. It is not distracted or half available. His all in.
In the same way, when we show up, fully present, we bring His image into the lives of others in a way that only we can. But when we are distracted, we fail to do that, and the enemy has succeeded in keeping us from walking in the likeness of the Lord.
The thing about a lion, is when we encounter one, we have no choice but to stop and experience its presence. It is commanding, it is demanding without words. Jesus calls us to be bold and courageous, in the same way that a lion is...this commands peoples attention in a very special way. This is who God called you to be....to be bold, confident and present. My prayer for you is that in your experiencing of His presence...that you would walk more present amongst others now more than ever. That you would step out of distractions and that you would set your face on Him, that He may shine through you and all around you. That your countenance would impact any room you step into and that the Light of his Glory would shine through you, changing the culture around you.