Creativity: An Incredible Reflection of Who God Is

Creativity: An Incredible Reflection of Who God Is

Creativity is an incredible reflection of who God is. He is a God of abundance, multiplication, and production! There is no lack in Him. He creates a flower with hundreds of seeds to go forth and continue with more life than what started. He created two people who have gone forth to bring about over 8 billion living souls on this planet today! He is a God of creativity, life, and more than we could dare to ask, think, or imagine! I love Him so much!!!! 🔥🙌🏽

The enemy is about lack and scarcity. He steals, kills, and destroys. But Jesus came to give life to its fullest, with abundance. Do you see the great contrast?

As an artist, I sit in my studio surrounded by art that touches my heart and soul and speaks of His greatness. I am moved, and I create more... it’s incredible how much more there is still to create, still to learn, still to pour out. The closer I am to Him, the more I know Him, the more He fills me, the more I have to give and to sow into this world in the short time that I have here. All of our lives are fleeting. Perhaps that’s what makes it all the more beautiful—a race to do as much good as possible, to leave as beautiful a mark as possible on this place before we go to meet Him.

We are Kingdom People, fighting in this battle against darkness. But we are already victorious because of the side we are on, and because of the truth of Creation, Eternity, and the Truth of God. We are already triumphant...and getting to walk it out in this life is such an honor. To lay our fleshly lives down, to live a life of holy sacrifice to our Living God—that's a beautiful life. That’s a deep and successful life. To mirror back to our Father...the goodness He has created us to walk in.

I love Him. 😭 There is none like Him. May your lives be full today, and may your hearts be enriched by His great and wonderful love. God bless you, and may His hand be ever upon your life.

PS. After writing this post, I was moved to create 'Thy Kingdom Come' in the very same night. While prints of this piece will be available soon, the original is ready for its forever home here!


  • Rosie -

    Sister in Christ
    I love you sooooo very much for allowing God to use you through art. I own a few pieces and they truly bring a heavenly atmosphere in my house. May God continue to take you far in your creativity for God! God Bless you Vanessa!

  • Donald Kastner -

    Very few, through the Holy Spirit, there are rare traces of who He is. Each stroke of the brush is revealing the secrets of heaven. Your moving deeper of His love, so that you will gain a greater perspective of My love. Be bless. Shalom

  • Helen Helms -

    Thy Kingdom Come is magnificent! Your talent is so blessed! Thank you for listening to our Father!

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