Love is a Perfectly Blind Adventure

Last week, we embarked on a journey exploring Jesus walking on water, a profound lesson challenging us to keep our focus on Him amidst life's turbulent seas. Today, we delve deeper into faith's essence, inspired by Lea, a special blindfolded horse, and her remarkable journey.
Lea, a gray quarter horse, was born completely blind. Her owner, my friend Lou from Les Haven Ranch, faced a unique challenge. Despite being advised that euthanasia was the best option, Lou saw Lea’s life as valuable and brimming with potential. Living in darkness, Lea's existence has been shaped by unwavering trust and love, guided by Lou's constant companionship and care. Many may view Lea’s condition as a hindrance, but Lea's life is a testament to joy and love, transcending the perceived limitations of her blindness.
This special bond between Lea and Lou is a living example of what it means to live by blind faith – a life guided not by sight but by trust and love. Just as she relies on Lou to navigate the unknown, we too are called to trust in God's guidance, even when our path is unclear. It's about recognizing that despite our imperfections, we are wonderfully made in God's image (Psalm 139:14; Genesis 1:27), and He loves us immeasurably (Psalm 103:11-14).
Lea's story is a powerful metaphor for our spiritual journey. Often in life, we find it difficult to place our trust in someone or something we cannot see, especially when it concerns our lives. Yet, Lea's instinctive trust in her guide despite her blindness challenges us to reevaluate our perspectives on trust. Why is it that we, as humans, often struggle to exhibit the same level of trust that comes so naturally to Lea? Is it our pride, a need for control, or trust issues born from past experiences?
I know from my own journey that trust didn't come easily. Accepting Jesus was the first step in a long journey of learning to trust Him wholly, a journey marked by God proving time and again that He is trustworthy. Trust, as I learned, is built over time, not overnight. Lea's life beautifully reflects what we are called to do – let God guide us solely by love and trust, putting on our blindfold to the world's distractions, and allowing God to lead the way.
Our lives are filled with moments of uncertainty, times when we wonder anxiously about what lies ahead. In these moments, it's all too easy to try and seize control, driven by our impatience or a perceived need to manage everything. But this only leads us off the path God has set for us. The truth is that being spiritually blind – stepping out without faith in Him – can lead us down roads we were never meant to travel. Yet, when we trust in God, His plans for us often exceed our wildest dreams.
Proverbs 3:5-6 teaches us to trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our understanding, while Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.These scriptures beckon us to a journey of relying on God's vision and not our limited perception. We must remember that God's understanding of what is best for our lives far surpasses our own, and often, His plans for us are far greater than anything we could have imagined.
The quiet grace of Lea speaks volumes about trust and surrender. God's work in our lives is often unseen, unfolding in ways we might not immediately recognize. What stops us from letting God take the reins? Reflecting on this question and considering the act of surrendering control to embrace blind faith can lead us to a deeper, more fulfilling relationship with Him.
Blind faith isn't about ignorance; it's about perceiving with the heart. Lea's life is a powerful illustration of walking by faith, not by sight (II Corinthians 5:7). Much like Lea's reliance on Lou, our journey of faith requires us to trust in God's navigation through our dark world.
Although we cannot see Him, we can feel his presence. When we take that step of faith, unknowingly where we are going, we can guarantee that through the love we have in and for Him, He will take us on the best blind adventure of our lives!
As we reflect on Lea’s story, I invite you to share your thoughts and experiences. How have you navigated the path of blind faith in your life? What lessons have you learned when you’ve let go of your need to see and control, choosing instead to trust in God's guidance? Your story might be the very encouragement someone needs today.
Share this message with others who might find strength and encouragement in it, and let's spread the message of faith and trust far and wide. 🤍✨
Here's a picture of Lea and Lou!
Les Haven Ranch was founded by a now good friend of mine with such an incredible testimony. Louise has such a beautiful call on her life to work with, and rescue blind horses. And it all started with Lea.
This original painting was donated to her as an encouragement to keep on following the call of a God on her life. In addition, for every 2 standard prints we sell of this print we donate one to her for fund raising purposes. My company has also donated and will continue to support her on a regular basis. I hope you will consider supporting her as well.
If you'd like to discover and support the amazing work my friend Lou does at Les Haven Ranch - Giving Blind Horses A New Vision On Life, please visit their website.
I am also thrilled to announce that "Blind Faith" is now available in print. Capturing the essence of Lea’s inspiring journey, this print is a reminder of the beauty and strength in trusting the unseen. Get up to 60% OFF with code BLINDFAITH! Shop now and let this artwork be a source of inspiration and spiritual reflection in your life.
Gale Ison -
What an incredibly beautiful story! And what a beautiful and thought provoking painting!!! Isn’t it wonderful to know that just because of a flaw or disability that our Abba Father doesn’t just throw us away, but actually uses our imperfections for His Glory, if we are willing to surrender to His will for our lives! When we look at the Bible, it is full of imperfect people that God used in incredible ways!!! Like Moses, who had difficulty in speaking, and many others. We do walk by faith and not by what we see or hear. Many years ago in my early thirties I was diagnosed with leukemia. I was shocked!!! I had been at a Ladies Retreat with a friend who was a missionary, when I began to feel sick. I thought maybe I had the flu. My husband came to pick me up on July 4. We lived on a small farm with horses and goats and geese and one pig I had raised on a bottle, and three wolves who were rescues. We also had three young sons. I went to the Dr the next day on July 5th. He had been my Dr for many years and checked me over. I had worn shorts that day, and he asked me where all the bruises had come from, and I explained that between the animals and kids that was normal and he said, “I’m not talking about the big ones”, and he pointed to these tiny little bruises, the kind we always called stone bruises and I just shrugged my shoulders. He said he was going to run a CBC on me and he would let me know how it came out. By the time I had gotten back to my house to my door the phone was ringing. It was my doctor’s nurse telling me my blood had come back with some problems and he wanted me to go check in to the hospital and was turning me over to another Dr!!! When she told me who the other Dr was, I said, he thinks I have cancer??? I knew the other Dr was an oncologist! My Mom drove me to the hospital and I was scared, I cried on the way, the car radio was on, and that song, Somebody’s Praying, was playing 🙏🏻. I had tests for the rest of the day, and that night my Mom and Dad and Husband were there when the Dr came in and introduced himself. He asked me if I knew what Acute Adult Leukemia was and I told him I did, and he told me he was 99.9 percent sure that was my problem and they would confirm it the next morning with a bone marrow biopsy, and he told me I needed to get my affairs in order. I don’t think I’d ever seen my Daddy cry. That night so many thoughts crossed my mind. I knew my Dr
Was an orthodox Jewish man and I also knew his partner was big in Jews for Jesus. I hadn’t felt sick but I had been tired, more than a normal tired. The next morning they did the biopsy and he told me there wasn’t anything he could do but keep me comfortable. I honestly didn’t know if I would ever leave there. My husband had called down to the retreat I had been at and they were fasting and praying for me and had put me on prayer chains everywhere. This sounds weird but I could FEEL those prayers!!! I finally told the Lord, not my will, but Yours! My Dr came every morning and every night seven days a week. I always tried to say something to him about Jesus. This went on for about three weeks, and one night he came in and sat in a chair going through my file. He looked tired. He finally looked at me and said, “You’re what keeps doctor’s humble”, I didn’t understand what he meant, and he said, “When you came in here you were dying. I didn’t think you would live more than a few days! But your blood is turning around and if it keeps turning around I will probably let you go home next week.” Then he asked me if I had any thoughts on any of this, and I told him about all the people praying and fasting, and I believed God was healing me. He asked me if I really believed that and I told him I did!!! I went home the next week and saw him as an outpatient every three weeks until January. Several years later he accepted Jesus as Messiah!!! Not because of me, but because of lots of people with similar outcomes. I was so excited!!! There’s a lot I’ve left out for sake of time and space but this absolutely happened. I learned alot and so did he. Jesus still heals; He still does miracles, and best of all He never leaves us or forsake us even in the darkest times.
Thank you so much Vanessa for sharing your amazing gift and testimony with us!!! I just received ‘Momentum’ and it is more beautiful in person than you could believe! I have several other ordered and I think ‘Lea’ is going to have to be one more! Much love, blessings and peace ❤️🙏🏻❤️
Lori Capoferri -
I want to say thank you for sharing this beautiful story with me! I love love horses and I’m very attached to all Gods animals I love them all and they totally know who they can trust. There intuition is so farther advanced then are as like children. I have been on my journey with God for awhile now and it hasn’t been an easy one he has taught me many things through his lessons. But now it’s time for blind faith to hit! I’m getting operated on the 31 of January and it was a day my beautiful sister was born but she’s passed away with breast cancer at 42 so I know she will be with me that day. I have a lot going on with my health but I know I’m in Gods beautiful hands but I’m heading into blind faith and all my trust is in our father!!!! I have to say I pick out but I don’t have the money at this point but I know God has me and the pictures you painted are about my journey with God so someday I know I will meet you ty Jesus!Jesus gave you a special gift with your art work and boy does God show out through it!! You are very special to God I know that because you can see it through your Art Gods hand is apon you it is all magnificent!!!! Please keep in touch as I go on my journey and when I get money I will get the ones I picked and of course your girlfriends I love horses!!!! God Bless you my sister Amen!!!!
Evana -
There are no words for all you do, you are truly amazing and a mighty strong leader!
Thank You and God bless You,