You Are a Loved Child of the Most High God!

He created you, in His image, for great things…and while the enemy is hard at work trying to convince people that they are not enough, that they are inadequate, that they are ordinary or unusable….the truth is so much greater…and it's knocking at the front doors of your heart!
The truth of who you are is in who He is! You are the loved and cherished child of the Most High! Of the Creator of the world!
Everything about you is unique and extraordinary! God put inside of you so much purpose, so much destiny, so much promise! It's your faith that is needed to unlock it! It's lifting your eyes to Heaven and saying “I see you Father…and I believe who You say You are, and who You say I am!”
So many times we are deceived into thinking that humility and low self worth are the same thing. But nothing could be further from the truth. Healthy self self esteem is the sign of a child who knows they are loved and feels secure. Why then do we present insecurity as a sign of humility?
God wants to do away with your low self worth through the work of His great love. Humility is the awareness and understanding that we are merely dust on the ground without Him. It was because He moulded us and breathed life into us that we are great, reflecting His likeness back to Himself.
We deepen our devotion to Him through the cultivating of our character…because a good heart is what pleases the Lord. Cultivating that heart is the way we honor The Lord and give the deepest love back to Him in our lives. That there is the powerful combination of identity and humility.
When you walk boldly in the uniqueness of how God made you, with the truth of His word in your heart, your steps are ordered and you are no longer alone in life and in your walk…you are living it out, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Some who may be reading this now, may be struggling in their self esteem and it impacts their relationship with the Lord. I understand. I had a low self esteem for years. I was very insecure for most of my life.
But it was in walking with the Lord, and allowing healing to my heart that I came to know His character, and who He said I am in Him. God did some of this work through the love of good people He sent into my life. And the rest of it, has been through direct connection, that His Faithfulness always endured and came through.
His presence always shows up when I seek Him. And He has taught me in every high and low how to trust in Him, and seek Him first in all things. His Word is alive and knowing it and speaking it reaffirm my identity when I struggled in myself.
I hope this helps you today to find the strength in who the Lord made you to be. Now, may you take your gifts and you press forward and walk in who God says you are…may you celebrate your wins and victories before the Lord, and lean into His love as you grow deeper in who He has called you to be…a beloved child of the Most High God!