Becoming the Son or Daughter God Called You To Be

"Lord, though my parents have not always been the parents that you have called them to be, I pray that you help to make me the daughter that you called me to be."
This prayer shifted my perspective. The truth is God never gave us the ability to control others, but only self control. And we are not accountable for the actions of others, only the actions we choose to make. This means we are accountable for how we treat our parents, in the same way they are accountable for how they have treated us. Our goal, and heart posture as Christians is to please God, and to make earth a little more like heaven each day. We can have a huge impact in this world, just by being intentional and honoring our parents.
3 Simple things you can do right now to honour your parents today:
Write them a note telling them all of the things that you appreciate and love about them.
Praying that God encounters them in new ways, and that they would grow in their relationship with Him.
Always speaking calmly and kindly to them.