The road behind her led her to this place. She laid down her fears, laid down her grasp on life comforts, all to step out into the light of His presence.
The beauty of her path was never altered by the faults, failures, or imperfections of her life it was as if her very destiny was preserved under his grace to be activated and lived out at any time she chose to walk in it. Her destiny was a constant whisper in her heart, as if to be a living seed planted deep within her since the beginning. It was a perfect plan from God, a perfectly fitted living vision for her life.
And in its rawest form her destiny was wild, beautiful, untamed, and rare. It was a flame within her that made her come alive, drawing all around her near to see. They wanted the warmth of her fire, as it provided a relief from the cold and empty world, they lived in. And as she drew ever closer to His light and presence, her soul was restored, her cup overflowed, and the light of her life shone brighter than ever before.
She realized her whole life fear had whispered lies to her of the unknown path of destiny she longed for. Only defined, that the path ahead of her, was the very path of life... and life to its fullest. And the path behind her is where fear remained forever imprisoned frozen in time. She stood in front of the light of His glory ready to walk into his plans with complete abandonment.
The beauty of the life she chose would be marked by nothing other than His glory and presence. His faithfulness matched with her willingness would remain when the fire burned everything that is worthless away.